It has almost become cliche to say that “the gospel changes everything”, but it is so profoundly true. When the cross becomes the lens through which we see the world around us, we start to understand what Paul is saying when he says in 2nd Corinthians 6 “We are treated as impostors, yet are genuine. We are dying, yet we live. We are sorrowful, yet always rejoicing. We are poor, yet making many rich. We have nothing, yet possess everything.”
It’s all paradoxical, and makes no sense outside of the saving work of Jesus. It’s incredible that God would step into our world to rescue us, heal us, adopt us, and clothe us in His righteousness... That he would take our brokenness and failures and change us into something new and good… and that he would do it by dying our death, defeating it in His resurrection and inviting us to join him.
It’s stunningly beautiful and compels us to fall on our knees in surrender to the one true King, not as coerced subjects but as people who are rescued and redeemed. When this becomes our story, when this becomes our song, it truly does change the way we see the world around us and how we engage with it. This EP (In All Things) is all about becoming awakened to that reality.
We tried to capture this idea in the phrase (and now title song) “In All Things, Jesus”. We use this phrase a lot at our home church to be a summation of this idea that the gospel changes everything about us and how we engage with everyone around us. These past two years since our debut release have been a fantastic season of spiritual and creative growth for us as a band. Lydia, Jorge, Steve, and I serve each week at our respective churches and through that are learning just how to live in this reality. We are desperate for God’s grace and love daily.
That’s where the songs on this project were born. We celebrate the gospel, and then we are healed again by it, then we celebrate it some more. We hope that listeners experience this cycle in their own lives. Further, we pray that people can hear the gospel message threaded throughout these six songs and that it encourages and strengthens them in the Lord.
God Bless You,